Well, it took over 3.5 years after our post on 9-11-2007 to finally get him, but we were proved wrong. Just goes to prove how hard you have to work in order to do it, but sometimes it can be accomplished.
Key points:
No Natural Causes
No More Sunbathing
Bites Dust At 54 in Firefight with elite US forces
Butch & Sundance Ending? No, he was using a woman as a shield. What a JACKA$$.
The big question now is, will the USA finally call Pakistan on the carpet for harboring this guy in a luxury compound near Pakistani Army barracks near their CAPITAL CITY? Hiding in a damp cave with a dialysis machine, really? OBL picked up a weapon and fired back before they put one in his left retina. Sounds quite spry for a 54 year old with kidney failure.
== From early news wire reports ==
Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks that killed thousands of Americans, was slain in his luxury hideout in Pakistan early Monday in a firefight with U.S. forces, ending a manhunt that spanned nearly a decade.
“Justice has been done,” US President Barack Obama announced as crowds gathered outside the White House to celebrate. Many sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” and Queens “We Are the Champions” .
Hundreds more waved American flags at ground zero in New York City, where the twin towers that once stood as symbols of American economic might were brought down by bin Laden’s hijackers almost 10 years ago.
Bin Laden, 54, was killed after a gunbattle with US Navy SEALs and CIA paramilitary forces at a compound in the city of Abbottabad. He was shot in the left eye, NBC News reported.
Citing a U.S. official, NBC News said that bin Laden opened fire on the American forces before he was killed.
The special operations forces were on the ground for less than 40 minutes and the operation was watched in real-time by CIA director Leon Panetta and other intelligence officials in a conference room at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, an official said on condition of anonymity.
NBC News reported that bin Laden was later buried at sea.
Islamic tradition calls for a body to be buried within 24 hours, but finding a country willing to accept the remains of the world’s most wanted terrorist would have been difficult, a senior administration official said.
The U.S. was conducting DNA testing and used facial recognition techniques to help formally identify him, Reuters reported. Results of the DNA tests were expected to be available in the next few days.
Other U.S. officials said one of bin Laden’s sons and two of his most trusted couriers also were killed, as was an unidentified woman who was used as a human shield.
Al Arabiya TV reported that two of bin Laden’s wives and four of his children were also captured during the operation.
“When word came in that the operation was a success, CIA officials in the conference room had a rather large applause,” a U.S. official said.
NBC News reported that intelligence officials weren’t certain that bin Laden would be at the site as there was “no smoking gun that put him there.”
Bin Laden was holed up in a two-story house 100 yards from a Pakistani military academy when four helicopters carrying U.S. forces swooped in, leaving his final hiding place in flames, Pakistani officials and a witness said.
They said bin Laden’s guards opened fire from the roof of the compound and one of the choppers crashed. It was later destroyed by the U.S. team. U.S. officials said no Americans were hurt in the operation.
Abbottabad is home to three Pakistan army regiments and thousands of military personnel and is dotted with military buildings. BBC News described the army site as the country’s equivalent to West Point.
The discovery that bin Laden was living in an army town in Pakistan raises pointed questions about how he managed to evade capture and even whether Pakistan’s military and intelligence leadership knew of his whereabouts and sheltered him.
The news of bin Laden’s death immediately raised concerns that reprisal attacks from al-Qaida and other Islamist extremist groups could follow soon.
“In the wake of this operation, there may be a heightened threat to the U.S. homeland,” a U.S. official said. “The U.S. is taking every possible precaution. The State Department has sent advisories to embassies worldwide and has issued a travel ban for Pakistan.”
Police in New York, site of the deadliest attack on Sept. 11, said they had already begun to “ramp up” security on their own.
Other local law enforcement agencies around the U.S. are adding extra security measures out of “an abundance of caution,” according to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
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